I'm Tanishka Talwar

a web developer

About Me

I am a self-taught web developer. For years I had always wondered where do web pages come from, until I found out how beautiful the world of web developement is. I was surprised to see the magic of HTML. What a beauty a few lines of code can create! Soon I realised web developement is as much of an art as it is science and that your problem solving skills and your imagination matters much more than the size of your technical stack.



  • Hyper Text Markup Language - HTML
  • Cascading Style Sheets - CSS
  • JavaScript
  • Frontend Framework - React
  • State Management Library - Redux
  • Material UI
  • Package Bundler - Webpack
  • Responsive Design


  • Node - JavaScript Runtime
  • Express - Backend Framework
  • MongoDB - No SQL database
  • EJS - Embedded JavaScript
  • Express Sessions
  • Authentication - passport.js
  • Jest - JavaScript testing framework



Inventory App

Need help to manage your store's inventory? We are here for you. With this app you can easily manage all the food categories and all the items under it.



Odinbook is an attempt to clone the core functionality of facebook. You can create an account, make friends, share posts, view your friends' posts and much more.



Welcome to my clubhouse where the members can write anonymous posts. Inside the clubhouse, members can see who the author of a post is, but outside they can only see the story and wonder who wrote it.



Looking for a place to stay on your next vacation? This web app will provide you with a list of hotels from all around the world. You can search for hotels in different regions and of various categories.


Weather App

Wondering whether you should carry an umbrella or not? On this weather app, find out the weather of any city in the world. Gives you a weather forecast of upto 5 days.


Where's Waldo

This is a puzzle game from your childhood where you have to find a few elements from a big image. Here you can choose different images to play on and set a high score.