I'm Tanishka Talwar

a web developer

phone_iphone cottage shelves emoji_transportation history_edu fact_check ramen_dining monitoring


A Facebook clone

Odinbook is an attempt to clone the core functionality of facebook. You can create an account, make friends, share posts, view your friends' posts and much more.

React React Router Node Express MongoDb Passport.js

Members Only

An exclusive clubhouse

Welcome to my clubhouse where the members can write anonymous posts. Inside the clubhouse, members can see who the author of a post is, but outside they can only see the story and wonder who wrote it.

Node Express Ejs MongoDb Passport.js

Inventory App

Inventory Management App

Need help to manage your store's inventory? We are here for you. With this app you can easily manage all the food categories and all the items under it.

Node Express MongoDb Ejs

Airbnb Clone

A hotels searching site

Looking for a place to stay on your next vacation? This web app will provide you with a list of hotels from all around the world. You can search for hotels in different regions and of various categories.

React React Router Third Party APIs

Blog Website

A personal blog website

Want your own personal blog? Here it is! A home for all your blog posts. You can see a list of all blogs, read any blog and comment on it.

React React Router Node Express MongoDb Passport.js

Kanban Board

An agile development tool

A Kanban Board visually depicts work at various stages of a process using cards to represent work items and columns to represent each stage of the process.

React MaterialUI react-router-dom Node Express MongoDB


Find your recipe

Tired of eating same old food everyday? Looking for some new taste? With recipify you can make something new for your family everyday.

React Tanstack Query react-router-dom MaterialUI Firebase


A data-visualization dashboard

A data visualization tools that monitor, analyze, and display key performance indicators (KPIs), metrics, and key data points and transforms them into a visually beautiful report.

React MaterialUI Chart.js